What is a vehicle modification evaluation?
Similar to a wheelchair evaluation/DME evaluation, a vehicle modification evaluation is generally completed by an Occupational Therapist and takes into account the client's physical abilities, challenges, and DME needs to provide recommendations to either modify and/or purchase a vehicle for client transportation.
When do I get my vehicle after the evaluation?
Timing is always variable. When working through insurance, approval for modifications often require physician approval and sometimes multiple quotes/cost analysis to promote a client’s acquisition of a vehicle and/or modifications. When purchasing a vehicle oneself, timing may be subject to availability of the model recommended and/or availability of the parts to complete the recommended modifications.
After this evaluation, will I need any additional testing before I can drive my adapted vehicle?
Generally, clients are required by insurance as a part of the modification process to complete a pre-driving screen and on-road test with recommended equipment prior to completion of the recommended modifications. These on-road tests are typically completed on an outpatient basis with a driving specialist who oftentimes is an Occupational Therapist.